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amc:start [2019/05/12 03:19]
samira [AMC Usage]
amc:start [2020/12/02 01:00] (current)
Line 30: Line 30:
-In //example_config.py//  file you can specify the following parameters:+In //example_config.py//  file you can specify the following parameters: (//example_config_scn3me_subm.py// is included in git repo for 0.5um technology)
 <code> <code>
Line 51: Line 51:
 # Bank orientations (orientation of inner-banks and outer-banks).  # Bank orientations (orientation of inner-banks and outer-banks). 
 # Acceptable tuple values are (("H", "H"), (("V", "H"), (("H", "V"), or (("V", "V") # Acceptable tuple values are (("H", "H"), (("V", "H"), (("H", "V"), or (("V", "V")
-bank_orientation = ("V", "H")+bank_orientations = ("V", "H")
 # Output directory for the results.  # Output directory for the results. 
Line 57: Line 57:
 # Output file name # Output file name
-output_name = "AMC_sram"+name = "AMC_sram"
 # Specify the technology name. Default is "scn3me_subm" for SCMOS 0.5um # Specify the technology name. Default is "scn3me_subm" for SCMOS 0.5um