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asic:cells:start [2023/11/23 12:02]
rajit created
asic:cells:start [2024/08/23 10:03] (current)
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-====== Cell library ======+====== Mapping a design to a cell library ======
 For the ASIC flow, each production rule in the design is mapped to a //cell//. Cells are simply special processes that are used to specify the //leaf cells// in the layout generation flow. ACT assumes that each cell has associated with it some layout and an associated LEF file. Cells are specified using the same syntax as a process, but using ''defcell'' rather than ''defproc''. For the ASIC flow, each production rule in the design is mapped to a //cell//. Cells are simply special processes that are used to specify the //leaf cells// in the layout generation flow. ACT assumes that each cell has associated with it some layout and an associated LEF file. Cells are specified using the same syntax as a process, but using ''defcell'' rather than ''defproc''.
-===== Cell libraries and mapping =====+===== From production rules to cells =====
 Given that different asynchronous circuit families use different types of gates, the ACT ASIC flow assumes that the production rules that have been specified must be implemented as-is: in other words, any technology mapping step to a group of standard cells has been handled by logic synthesis. Given that different asynchronous circuit families use different types of gates, the ACT ASIC flow assumes that the production rules that have been specified must be implemented as-is: in other words, any technology mapping step to a group of standard cells has been handled by logic synthesis.