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asic:timing:forks [2024/09/03 10:03]
rajit [Relative timing]
asic:timing:forks [2024/09/03 10:06] (current)
rajit [Relative timing]
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 Timing fork theory states that if the two transitions are guaranteed to be ordered, then a timing fork/zig-zag that is the basis for the ordering must exist.  In other words, a design that uses relative timing constraints can only be correct if a timing fork/zig-zag exists that ensures that the constraint is satisfied.  Timing fork theory states that if the two transitions are guaranteed to be ordered, then a timing fork/zig-zag that is the basis for the ordering must exist.  In other words, a design that uses relative timing constraints can only be correct if a timing fork/zig-zag exists that ensures that the constraint is satisfied. 
-It is worth noting that a timing fork doesn't //require// that all the transitions occur.+It is worth noting that a timing fork doesn't //require// that all the transitions occur. This is useful when we have data-dependent timing constraints, i.e., where a signal change occurs only in certain cases based data values being computed by the circuit.