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install_actflow [2024/08/31 07:55]
rajit [Troubleshooting]
install_actflow [2024/10/14 06:37] (current)
rajit [Linux/Unix-like environments]
Line 17: Line 17:
       * For ''apt-get'', it is ''libeditline-dev'' or ''libedit-dev''       * For ''apt-get'', it is ''libeditline-dev'' or ''libedit-dev''
       * Some systems have both packages. In that case please use ''libedit'', not ''libeditline''.       * Some systems have both packages. In that case please use ''libedit'', not ''libeditline''.
-   * The system should have ''zlib'' installed +   * The system must have ''zlib'' installed 
-   * The system should have the macro pre-processing package ''m4'' installed +   * The system must have the macro pre-processing package ''m4'' installed 
-   * The system should have a modern C++ compiler (at least C++-17) +   * The system must have a modern C++ compiler (at least C++-17) 
-   * The system should have ''cmake'' (at least version 3.16) +   * The system must have ''cmake'' (at least version 3.16) 
-   * The system should have the Boost libraries (at least version 1.71.0) +   * The system must have the Boost libraries (at least version 1.71.0) 
-   * The system should have ''libfmt'' (at least version 4.0)+   * The system must have ''libfmt'' (at least version 4.0)
 **MacOS:** These packages can be installed using the [[https://brew.sh/|homebrew]] package manager. Note that on recent versions of MacOS, the C++ compiler provided by Apple does not accept the ''-fopenmp'' flag for OpenMP compilation, so you will likely need to install g++ using homebrew as well. **MacOS:** These packages can be installed using the [[https://brew.sh/|homebrew]] package manager. Note that on recent versions of MacOS, the C++ compiler provided by Apple does not accept the ''-fopenmp'' flag for OpenMP compilation, so you will likely need to install g++ using homebrew as well.