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language:introduction [2019/04/18 10:26]
rajit [Variables and expressions]
language:introduction [2024/11/18 08:16] (current)
rajit [Variables and expressions]
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 To get a feel for how a circuit is described in ACT, we begin with a simple example circuit. The purpose of this circuit is to create a dual rail channel (called ''a1of2'' for a one-of-two encoded data channel and an acknowledge) and attach a bit-bucket to it. To get a feel for how a circuit is described in ACT, we begin with a simple example circuit. The purpose of this circuit is to create a dual rail channel (called ''a1of2'' for a one-of-two encoded data channel and an acknowledge) and attach a bit-bucket to it.
-<code>+<code act>
 /* my first act program */ /* my first act program */
 defchan a1of2 <: chan(bool) (bool d0,d1,a) defchan a1of2 <: chan(bool) (bool d0,d1,a)
Line 72: Line 72:
 legal: legal:
-<code>+<code act>
 bitbucket b; bitbucket b;
 a1of2 x1; a1of2 x1;
Line 81: Line 81:
 On the other hand, the following declaration is incorrect. On the other hand, the following declaration is incorrect.
-<code>+<code act>
 pbool 5; pbool 5;
----> Expecting bnf-item `instance_id', got `5' 
 </code> </code>
 +-[ERROR]-> Expecting bnf-item `instance_id', got `5'
 +Errors use names from the ACT BNF to describe the item that the
 +parser was expecting. Error messages are accompanied by the file name,
 +line number, and column number of the item that resulted in the error.
 +The variable names ''self'' and ''selfack'' are reserved. They are used to support
 +ACT language features like functions and user-defined types.
 +The names in the port list of a user-defined type are the only parts of
 +the type that are visible externally. Other parts of the defined type
 +cannot be accessed outside the body of the type itself. For example,
 +consider the following definition of ''bitbucket''.
 +<code act>
 +defproc bitbucket(a1of2 d)
 +  bool p;
 +  prs {
 +    d.d0 | d.d1  -> d.a+
 +   ~d.d0 & ~d.d1 -> d.a-
 +  }
 +If we had used this definition, then although ''b.p'' is a ''bool''
 +within the bit-bucket ''b'', we cannot access it by statements
 +outside the body. Therefore, a statement such as ''b.p=c.d0'' would
 +result in the following message:
 +<code act>
 +bitbucket b;
 +a1of2 c;
 +b.p = c.d0;
 +-[ERROR]-> `p' is not a port for `bitbucket'
 +Expressions look very much like C expressions. Expressions can be of two
 +types: numeric or logical. Numeric expressions can be constructed from
 +identifiers, numeric constants, parentheses for grouping, and the
 +arithmetic operators ''+'', ''-'', ''*'', and ''/'' for
 +addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division respectively. The
 +unary minus operator is also supported. The operator ''%'' is used
 +for computing the remainder. Logical expressions can be constructed from
 +logical variables, the logical constants ''true'' and ''false'',
 +and the logical operators ''&'', ''|'', and ''~'' denoting
 +the and, or, and negation operations respectively.  Numeric expressions
 +can be compared using ''<'', ''< ='', ''>'', ''>='',
 +''='', and ''!='' for the operators less than, less than or equal
 +to, greater than, greater than or equal to, equal to, and not equal to
 +===== Arrays =====
 +Most circuits contain a set of components that are replicated a number
 +of times. This is especially common in datapath circuits. ACT has a
 +very flexible array mechanism that can be used to construct complex
 +circuits. The simplest way to create an array is shown below.
 +<code act>
 +bool x[10];
 +a1of2 y[5][3];
 +The first statement creates an array of ten ''bool''s named ''x'' whose
 +elements are ''x[0]'', ''x[1]'', ..., ''x[9]''. The
 +second statement creates a two-dimensional array of ''a1of2''
 +variables named ''y'' whose elements are ''y[0][0]'',
 +''y[0][1]'', ..., ''y[4][2]''. The entire array range can also
 +be specified as shown below
 +<code act>
 +bool w[4..7]; // create Booleans w[4], ..., w[7]
 +ACT also contains a mechanism for constructing //sparse arrays//. A
 +sparse array is one that has 'holes' in it; in other words, valid
 +indices of the array do not form a contiguous, rectangular
 +block. Consider the following instantiation:
 +<code act>
 +bool x[10];
 +bool x[12..14];
 +The first statement creates ''x[0]'', ..., ''x[9]''; the
 +second creates ''x[12]'', ..., ''x[14]''. This is a valid
 +sequence of statements, and it makes ''x'' a sparse array. The
 +following, on the other hand, is not valid.
 +<code act>
 +bool x[10];
 +bool x[9..14];
 +-[ERROR]-> Sparse array: overlap in range in instantiation
 +           Original: [10]; adding: [9..14]
 +Each index of an array can only be created once.
 +Arrays can be connected to others using the ''='' operation. If two
 +arrays have the same size, the same type, and the same number of
 +dimensions, the connection is valid. Conceptually, connections are
 +performed by converting each array into an ordered list of individual
 +elements, where the order is specified by the lexicographic ordering
 +on their indices (the leftmost index has precedence). Finally, an
 +element-by-element connection is performed. This is illustrated
 +<code act>
 +bool x[10];
 +bool x[12..14];
 +bool y[2];
 +-[ERROR]-> Types `bool[ [10]+[12..14] ]' and `bool[2]' are not compatible
 +Note the syntax used to report the sparse array type as a combination
 +of two sub-arrays.
 +The dimensionality of the two arrays must match for a connection to
 +succeed, and their shapes also have to be compatible.
 +<code act>
 +bool x[12];
 +bool w[4][3];
 +-[ERROR]-> Type-checking failed in connection
 +           Types `bool[12]' and `bool[4][3]' are not compatible
 +The following are examples of valid connections:
 +<code act>
 +bool x[10];
 +bool x[10..12];
 +bool y[13];
 +x=y; // success!
 +bool u[4][3];
 +bool v[4][3];
 +u=v; // success!
 +===== Loops and conditionals =====
 +Loops and conditionals can be used to describe complex circuit
 +structures in a compact manner. Loops are useful when creating array
 +structures, or connecting arrays in a regular manner. For example,
 +suppose ''fulladder'' is a process that contains channels ''ci''
 +and ''co'' as its carry-in and carry-out. The following connects the
 +carry chain for a ten bit ripple-carry adder.
 +<code act>
 +fulladder fa[10];
 +(i : 9 : fa[i].co=fa[i+1].ci; )
 +The parentheses are used to group the body of the loop. ''i'' is
 +the dummy variable, and it ranges from zero to eight in this
 +example. The '';'' is a separator, and separates each instance of
 +the body of the loop.  In general if only one integer is specified for
 +the range, the variable ranges from zero to one less than the integer.
 +The conditional statement uses the guarded command notation. They are
 +used for describing the edge of repetitive structures, during
 +recursive constructions, or for creating special versions of processes
 +based on parameters. The following is an example where odd-numbered
 +indices of ''x'' are connected to ''y'', and even-numbered
 +indices are connected to ''z''.
 +<code act>
 +bool x[10], y[10], z[10];
 +( i : 10 : 
 +   [ (i%2) = 0 -> x[i] = y[i];
 +   [] (i%2) = 1 -> x[i] = z[i];
 +   ]
 +===== Scoping =====
 +In the second definition of ''bitbucket'', the variable ''p'' was
 +defined within the body of the type definition. Therefore, this variable
 +is local to the type, and cannot be accessed by any construct outside
 +the body of the type. Different instances of ''bitbucket'' get
 +different copies of ''p'', since it is a local variable. If we had
 +created a dualrail channel ''p'' after the bitbucket, this ''p''
 +has no relation to the ''p'' in the body of ''bitbucket''.
 +The ACT language has two scopes: the global scope, and the scope
 +within the entity being defined. Ports of types have the same scope as
 +items defined within the body of the type. However, ports are special
 +in that they can also be accessed from outside the type using
 +ACT does not have a special 'global' keyword. Global nodes can
 +be created by simply defining them in the outer-most scope. For
 +instance, ACT files will tend to begin with
 +<code act>
 +bool Reset,Reset_;
 +This permits the names ''Reset'' and ''Reset_'' to be used
 +throughout the ACT file. 
 +===== Namespaces =====
 +Complex projects involve a large number of ACT files, including
 +shared libraries and blocks designed by different people. One could
 +easily envision a situation where a particular identifier name is used by
 +multiple designers to describe different processes.
 +To keep names of processes, channels, and types separate for different
 +parts of a design, ACT provides the notion of a
 +//namespace//. Every instantiation and type definition resides in a
 +specific namespace. In all our examples so far, this was the
 +(implicit) global namespace (named ''Global'').
 +The following example creates a namespace ''lib'' and defines types
 +within the namespace.
 +<code act>
 +namespace lib {
 +  export defchan a1of2 <: chan(bool) (bool d0,d1,a) { ... }
 +lib::a1of2 d;
 +We have created a channel definition of type ''a1of2'' within the
 +''lib'' namespace. There are a few items that should be noted.
 +First, the directive ''export'' indicates that the ''a1of2''
 +type is in fact visible outside the namespace scope. This is why we
 +can use the notation ''lib::a1of2'' to access this type. The
 +rationale for this is that one might have created a library, but might
 +only want a few types exposed (e.g. top-level cells). By default, a
 +type is not visible outside a namespace unless it is explicitly
 +''export''ed. Second, a user-defined namespace cannot contain any
 +global instances of processes. This means that the only legal items
 +within a namespace are namespace directives, type definitions, and
 +global data/channel types.
 +Namespaces can be nested. For instance, we could have:
 +<code act>
 +namespace processor {
 +  namespace lib {
 +       export defchan a1of2 <: chan(bool) (bool d0,d1,a) { ... } 
 +  }
 +  lib::a1of2 d;
 +In this example, ''d'' is instantiated from namespace ''lib''
 +within namespace ''processor''. This brings up another subtlety of
 +the ''export'' directive. An exported definition is only exported
 +one level up in the namespace hierarchy. Hence, although the channel
 +''processor::lib::a1of2'' exists, it cannot be accessed outside the
 +''processor'' namespace.
 +<code act>
 +namespace processor {
 +  namespace lib {
 +       export defchan a1of2 <: chan(bool) (bool d0,d1,a) { ... }
 +  }
 +processor::lib::a1of2 d;
 +-[ERROR]-> Type is not exported up the namespace hierarchy:
 +           processor::lib::a1of2
 +If this channel needs to be visible
 +outside the ''processor'' namespace, this can be accomplished by
 +exporting the namespace itself.
 +<code act>
 +namespace processor {
 +  export namespace lib {
 +       export defchan a1of2 <: chan(bool) (bool d0,d1,a) { ... }
 +  }
 +processor::lib::a1of2 d;
 +In this approach, every element that is exported from namespace
 +''lib'' is also exported out of namespace ''processor''.
 +Something that is a little unusual is that a type cannot be accessed
 +within a sub-namespace unless it is exported. For instance, in the
 +example above, if ''a1of2'' was defined within the
 +''processor'' namespace, then it will not be visible within the
 +''processor::lib'' namespace unless it is exported. An
 +''export'' directive is needed to permit a type to be used in other
 +namespaces apart from the one in which the type was defined.
 +A namespace can have global variables. The global variables described
 +earlier were simply a special case corresponding to the namespace
 +''Global''. For instance, a collection of process definitions within
 +a namespace might have a reset signal that is global to the namespace
 +only, and which is generated using some logic defined within the
 +===== Importing ACT files =====
 +The keyword ''import'' is used to include other design files. An
 +ACT file can begin with a sequence of ''import'' statements.
 +If the same file is imported twice within the same scope, chances are
 +that some types would be multiply defined. To avoid such problems,
 +imports of files which have already been imported within the same
 +scope or an outer scope are ignored. Therefore, always use
 +''import'' to include type definitions defined elsewhere.
 +<code act>
 +import "channel.act";
 +''import'' searches for the file in the current directory
 +first, then in the colon-separated path specified by ''$ACT_PATH'',
 +and finally in ''$ACT_HOME/act''.
 +A typical project would contain multiple files, each possibly having
 +their own namespace. Namespaces can also have global variables, so
 +importing a namespace automatically creates an instance of the global
 +variables from that namespace, and from any sub-namespace that was also
 +There are a few things that might create issues in such a situation.
 +First, duplicate namespaces might exist, especially when re-using old
 +files. For instance, suppose we have two files: ''lib1.act'' and
 +''lib2.act'' both containing namespace ''lib'', but having
 +definitions that are useful. Importing both would result in the union of
 +the namespaces, and could create naming conflicts (e.g. multiple
 +definition of types having the same name---an error). To solve this
 +problem, one can do the following: 
 +<code act>
 +import "lib1.act";
 +open lib -> lib1;
 +import "lib2.act";
 +open lib -> lib2;
 +The ''open'' construct enables one to rename a namespace. Once this
 +has occured, there cannot be any naming conflicts. This version of
 +''open'' is a renaming construct. The old name for the namespace is
 +A second issue is one that is more about convenience. Consider a
 +project that has many different people working on it, each in their
 +own namespace to avoid naming conflicts. This situation can result in
 +very long type names. Plus it would be more bookkeeping to have to
 +create a test environment for the types within, say,
 +''processor::lib''---not just because of the long type names, but
 +because not all types might be exported! In this case we can say:
 +<code act>
 +import "lib.act";
 +open processor::lib;
 +a1of2 d;
 +This version of the ''open'' directive has two
 +functions: (i) it adds ''processor::lib'' to the search path for
 +types, and (ii) it allows one to access all types within the
 +namespace, not just the ones that are exported (including types within
 +nested namespaces). Note that this ''open'' statement will fail if
 +all types cannot be uniquely resolved.
 +The sequence of ''open'' and ''import'' statements can only be
 +at the beginning of an ACT file.
 +A second version of import uses namespaces directly, but requires that
 +ACT files be placed in locations that match the namespace
 +hierarchy. The import statement
 +<code act>
 +import processor::lib;
 +is equivalent to the following:
 +<code act>
 +import "processor/lib/_all_.act";
 +It assumes that the file ''_all_.act'' in the directory
 +''processor/lib'' contains all the definitions corresponding to the
 +''processor::lib'' namespace.