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language:introduction [2022/05/13 08:30]
language:introduction [2024/11/18 08:16] (current)
rajit [Variables and expressions]
Line 92: Line 92:
 parser was expecting. Error messages are accompanied by the file name, parser was expecting. Error messages are accompanied by the file name,
 line number, and column number of the item that resulted in the error. line number, and column number of the item that resulted in the error.
 +The variable names ''self'' and ''selfack'' are reserved. They are used to support
 +ACT language features like functions and user-defined types.
 The names in the port list of a user-defined type are the only parts of The names in the port list of a user-defined type are the only parts of
Line 375: Line 378:
   export namespace lib {   export namespace lib {
-       export defchan a1of2 chan(bool) (bool d0,d1,a) { ... }+       export defchan a1of2 <: chan(bool) (bool d0,d1,a) { ... }
   }   }