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language:langs:dflow [2024/07/22 13:53]
rajit [Implicit copy and explicit buffers]
language:langs:dflow [2024/07/22 13:54] (current)
rajit [Function]
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 ===== Function ===== ===== Function =====
-The syntax shown above corresponds to the //function// dataflow block. A function dataflow element receives one input token on each of its input channels, computes a function of the values received, and produces one output token with the value computed. The example above shows the function syntax. The left hand side of the arrow is a channel expression that corresponds to the function being computed, and the right hand side is the name of the channel on which the output is produced.+The syntax shown in the first example above corresponds to the //function// dataflow block. A function dataflow element receives one input token on each of its input channels, computes a function of the values received, and produces one output token with the value computed. The example above shows the function syntax. The left hand side of the arrow is a channel expression that corresponds to the function being computed, and the right hand side is the name of the channel on which the output is produced.
 ===== Split ===== ===== Split =====