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language:langs:spec [2023/01/06 09:33]
rajit [Timing constraints]
language:langs:spec [2024/12/19 07:18] (current)
rajit [Exclusive directives]
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  }  }
 </code> </code>
-states that the signals ''a'' and ''b'' will not be true (high) simultaneously, and this is guaranteed by the production rules in the circuit.+states that the signals ''a'' and ''b'' will not be true (high) simultaneously, and this is guaranteed by the production rules in the circuit. Violations of this requirement can be detected by ''actsim'' when it is run with the ''-m'' option.
 To simplify modeling of arbiters that cannot be modeled purely at the digital level of abstraction, we include a specific directive that we call "make exclusive high". To simplify modeling of arbiters that cannot be modeled purely at the digital level of abstraction, we include a specific directive that we call "make exclusive high".
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 The directive ''rand_init'' is used to let the simulator know that a signal might be undefined on power-up, but will initialize to either 0 or 1 at random. The directive ''hazard'' is used to let the simulator know that a particular signal can have a switching hazard. The directive ''rand_init'' is used to let the simulator know that a signal might be undefined on power-up, but will initialize to either 0 or 1 at random. The directive ''hazard'' is used to let the simulator know that a particular signal can have a switching hazard.
-==== Timing constraints ====+==== Timing directives ====
-Timing constraints in ACT are specified using timing forks. Timing forks are used to specify a point of divergence constraint. The constraint +There are two types of timing directives: constraints, and tick specifiers on timing edges. 
 +=== Tick specifiers === 
 +Asynchronous circuits oscillate, and each oscillation can be viewed as an iteration of the circuit. For [[asic:timing:graph|timing analysis]], it is important to indicate connections from one iteration to the next---i.e. when a signal transition from the current indication leads to a transition from the next iteration. Such directives can be computed during logic synthesis, and ACT expects all logic synthesis tools to emit these directives along with the gate-level implementation.  
 +<code act> 
 +spec { 
 +   timing a+ -> c- 
 + } 
 +This directive says that ''a+'' on a particular iteration directly leads to ''c-'' in the next iteration. (Sometimes these are called //ticked// edges in the timing graph.((S.M. Burns and A.J. Martin. Performance Analysis and Optimization of Asynchronous Circuits. Proc. ARVLSI, 1991.))((Wenmian Hua and Rajit Manohar. Exact Timing Analysis for Asynchronous Systems. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 37(1):203-216 (TCAD), January 2018.)) 
 +=== Timing constraints === 
 +Timing constraints in ACT are specified using [[asic:timing:forks|timing forks]]. Timing forks are used to specify a point of divergence relative timing constraint. The constraint 
 <code act> <code act>
 spec { spec {
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 This specifies that the timing fork has a margin of 15 delay units. The conversion from delay units to actual time uses the ''prs2net.conf'' [[config:netlist#Device generation and parameters|configuration parameter]] ''net.delay''. This specifies that the timing fork has a margin of 15 delay units. The conversion from delay units to actual time uses the ''prs2net.conf'' [[config:netlist#Device generation and parameters|configuration parameter]] ''net.delay''.
-Asynchronous circuits oscillateand each oscillation can be viewed as an iteration of the circuitFor timing analysisit is important to indicate connections from one iteration to the next---i.e. when signal transition from the current indication leads to a transition from the next iterationSuch directives can be computed during logic synthesisand ACT expects all logic synthesis tools to emit these directives along with the gate-level implementation. +If a circuit violates a timing forkthat is an error that is flagged by the ACT simulation toolsDuring the implementation flow, these timing forks have to be checked. If they are violatedthen the circuit must be adjusted to ensure that they are satisfied. There are two ways to satisfy a fork: (i) make the slow path faster; or (ii) make the fast path slowerAdding delays to fast path is one way to satisfy timing fork, but that may result in slowing down the circuitHencethe default optimizations will attempt to make the slow path faster. 
 +In some cases, a user may want the circuit synthesis and optimization tools to insert the appropriately sized delay line to make the fast path slower. In other words, rather than manually specifying the delay line, a timing fork can be specified where the implementation flow should just add the appropriately sized, technology-dependent delay lineIn such cases, a timing fork can be specified as follows:
 <code act> <code act>
 spec { spec {
-   timing a+ -c- +  timing a+ : b<< [15] c+ 
- }+}
 </code> </code>
-This directive says that ''a+'' on a particular iteration directly leads to ''c-'' in the next iteration. (Sometimes these are called //ticked// edges in the timing graph.((S.M. Burns and A.J. Martin. Performance Analysis and Optimization of Asynchronous Circuits. Proc. ARVLSI, 1991.))((Wenmian Hua and Rajit Manohar. Exact Timing Analysis for Asynchronous Systems. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 37(1):203-216 (TCAD), January 2018.))+This has the same meaning as the earlier fork, except that the tools are provided with a hint that says that it is okay to add delays to correct any violations of this fork. 
 Finally, timing forks may relate transitions from adjacent iterations.  Finally, timing forks may relate transitions from adjacent iterations.