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language:namespaces [2024/07/27 12:50]
rajit [Opening namespaces]
language:namespaces [2024/07/27 12:52] (current)
rajit [Renaming namespaces]
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 In this example, the ''open'' construct enables one to rename a namespace. Once this In this example, the ''open'' construct enables one to rename a namespace. Once this
 has occured, there cannot be any naming conflicts. This version of ''open'' is a renaming construct; after the open statement, the old name for the namespace is eliminated. has occured, there cannot be any naming conflicts. This version of ''open'' is a renaming construct; after the open statement, the old name for the namespace is eliminated.
 +Another renaming scenario that can be useful is to move a namespace into another one.
 +<code act>
 +import lib;
 +import lib => priv;
 +The first import statement above loads in the ''lib'' namespace. The second moves the namespace //into// ''priv''. If ''priv'' doesn't exist as a namespace, it is created. With this sequence, the original ''lib'' is now accessed as ''priv::lib''.