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start [2024/02/22 17:45]
fabian [ACT library]
start [2024/07/18 09:43] (current)
rajit [ACT library]
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   * [[tutorial:|Tutorials and class materials]]   * [[tutorial:|Tutorials and class materials]]
   * [[asic:start|ACT ASIC flow]]   * [[asic:start|ACT ASIC flow]]
 +===== Installation =====
 +If you are interested in building the tools from scratch:
 +      * [[install_actflow|actflow]]: use this if you want the full set of tools.
 +      * [[install|ACT]]: use this if you only want the core language and some basic tools for custom circuit design. The [[install_actflow|actflow build]] installs this repository as well.
 ===== ACT language ===== ===== ACT language =====
-  * [[install|Installing and building ACT]]+The ACT language combined with a set of configuration files are used when designing circuits. The configuration files control some basic ACT behavior, and also include technology-specific information (e.g. what is the feature size, what are the transistor types available in the technology, etc.) 
   * [[language:|Language reference]], and a [[language:migrate|migration guide]] from the older version of ACT.   * [[language:|Language reference]], and a [[language:migrate|migration guide]] from the older version of ACT.
   * [[config:|ACT configuration files]] needed for a new technology.   * [[config:|ACT configuration files]] needed for a new technology.
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 ===== ACT library ===== ===== ACT library =====
 +In addition to the core language, we also provide some standard ACT libraries that include common definitions/etc. for designing asynchronous circuits.
   * [[stdlib:|Standard library]]   * [[stdlib:|Standard library]]
   * [[sim:|Simulation library]], installed together with [[tools:actsim|actsim]]; It provides tools for simulation and verification   * [[sim:|Simulation library]], installed together with [[tools:actsim|actsim]]; It provides tools for simulation and verification
 +For those interested in writing tools, we have some documentation available for the core ACT library and data structures.
   * [[http://avlsi.csl.yale.edu/act_docs/|Using the ACT library]] (work in progress!)   * [[http://avlsi.csl.yale.edu/act_docs/|Using the ACT library]] (work in progress!)
   * [[guide:|Guide to using ACT data structures]]   * [[guide:|Guide to using ACT data structures]]
 +  * [[guide:makefile|Guide to using the standard Makefiles in ACT]]
 ===== Tools ===== ===== Tools =====