====== prsim: Production rule simulation ======
Before using ''prsim'' to simulate a set of production rules, they must first be flattened using ''aflat''. Assuming your production rules are in a file called ''circuit.act'', you would run:
aflat circuit.act > circuit.prs
prsim circuit.prs
This will give you an interactive ''(Prsim)'' prompt. Type ''help'' to get a list of simulation commands.
===== Standard Test Script =====
When running ''prsim'', it is good practice to use a test ''.act'' file that looks something like this:
import "circuit.act";
... // your test setup
bool Reset;
prs {
Reset -> Vdd+
Reset -> GND-
Reset => _Reset-
In this example, I've assumed that the circuit reset signals are the global variables ''Reset'' and ''_Reset'', and that both ''Vdd'' and ''GND'' are defined as globals for the power supplies. You should use the appropriate signals for your circuit there. The nice thing about this setup is that you can have a ''prsim'' script file that looks something like this:
set Reset 1
status U
... // watch various things
set Reset 0
===== Commands =====
==== General ====
display a list of commands with short descriptions
read in a script file and execute the commands within
==== Timing ====
random []
Set the random timing mode and optionally specify the default random timing bounds for all nodes.
set the seed for the random timing mode.
Set the deterministic timing mode.
random_excl on|off
turn on/off random exclhi/lo firings
For the random timing mode, set the random timing bounds for the up and down transitions for a specified node.
==== Running Simulation ====
mode reset|run
set current running mode.
^ Mode ^ Effect ^
| ''reset'' | ''reset'' turns off weak interference warnings (node still becomes X). During chip initialization, there can be weak interference since the simulator assumes all nodes are initially X. Setting the mode to ''reset'' during the reset phase prevents these warnings from being printed to the screen. |
| ''run'' | Warnings of weak interference are enabled. This should be the standard mode after the reset phase has completed. |
initialize the simulation, setting all nodes to ''X''.
step []
simulate transitions (default is 1)
advance []
simulate for units of simulation time (default is 1)
cycle []
simulate until the next transition on (default is forever)
set a breakpoint on break-on-warn
toggles the break-on-warn flag which stops/doesn't stop simulation on instability or interference
like break-on-warn, but exits prsim
==== Setting/Getting Node Values ====
set the node, bus, or vector to specified get
get value of a node, bus, or vector assert
assert that the node, bus, or vector is uget
get value of node but report its canonical name
select as the canonical name for a node
add watchpoint for unwatch
delete watchpoint for watchall
watch all nodes
==== Debug ====
status 0|1|X [[^]str]
list all nodes with specified value, optional prefix/string match
print the prsim pending event queue
list all of the name aliases for fanin
print the production rules that drive fanin-get
print the production rules that drive with the values of each expression and node in the guards evaluated.
print the set of nodes for which appears in the guard of a driving production rule
save a simulation checkpoint to chk-restore
restore simulation state from a checkpoint
==== Tracing ====
dump transition counts for nodes to pairtc
turns on pair transition counts
Create atrace file for