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ACT Introduction

The Asynchronous Circuit Toolkit (ACT) is a suite of programs that can be used to design, verify, and test asynchronous circuits. The tools share a common input language (specified in a text .act file) which can be used to describe circuits at different levels of detail. In what follows, we assume that the reader is familiar with asynchronous design methodologies and terminology.

ACT is a hierarchical, lexically scoped circuit description language. A single ACT file can be used to describe the transistor implementation of a circuit as well as a high-level functional description of the same circuit.

There are three steps used to process an ACT file:

  • reading in an ACT file;
  • an expansion/elaboration phase where parameters are expanded; and
  • a circuit construction and instantiation phase.

In the parsing phase, the input is converted into internal data structures. In the expansion phase, parameters are substituted, creating a concrete hierarchical netlist. In the instantiation phase, data structures are created for every circuit element specified in the ACT file. Errors may be reported in any of these stages. As a rule of thumb, errors are reported as soon as there is sufficient information to determine the error.

A simple example

To get a feel for how a circuit is described in ACT, we begin with a simple example circuit. The purpose of this circuit is to create a dual rail channel (called a1of2 for a one-of-two encoded data channel and an acknowledge) and attach a bit-bucket to it.

/* my first act program */
defchan a1of2 <: chan(bool) (bool d0,d1,a)
  spec {
    exclhi(d0,d1)  // exclusive high directive
  // channel description omitted
defproc bitbucket (a1of2 d)
  prs {
    d.d0 | d.d1  -> d.a+
   ~d.d0 & ~d.d1 -> d.a-

bitbucket b;
a1of2 c;

b.d = c;

defchan a1of2 is used to create a new channel type named a1of2 with a port list that consists of three Boolean values named d0, d1, and a. A bool is a Boolean-valued electrical node in the circuit, and is a built-in type. Identifier names such as d0 and a1of2 conform to the C naming convention. The body of the type a1of2 is enclosed in braces.

The defchan construct specifies that a1of2 is a channel type, and the signature <: chan(bool) is used to specify that a1of2 is an implementation of a channel of type chan(bool). Boolean-valued variables can be sent or received on this channel since the type of the value communicated on the chan that it implements is bool. chan is also a built-in type that is used for communication channels.

The definition of type a1of2 consists of a spec body. The construct name { … } is used to specify a language-specific body within a type definition. A type can have any number of these language-specific bodies. A program using the ACT library typically will examine a subset of all possible language bodies. In our example, the word spec is recognized to be a specification body.

The specification body contains an assertion indicating that the nodes d0 and d1 are exclusive high, meaning that at most one of them can be true at any time (a form of an invariant). Whenever a circuit element of type a1of2 is created, this specification will be automatically attached to it. Tools that read ACT files can use this information for a variety of purposes, and can also check if this invariant is violated in case of an error in the design of a circuit that uses this channel.

The process bitbucket is defined to take a variable d of type a1of2 as its argument. bitbucket is a process rather than a channel because it was created using defproc instead of defchan. The body of bitbucket contains a different language-specific body, namely a prs body. prs bodies correspond to production rule set descriptions of the process. In the example, the production rules for bitbucket corresponds to what is commonly referred to as a ``bit-bucket or a ``token sink for a four phase dual rail channel.

The statement bitbucket b creates an instance of type bitbucket named b. The statement is said to be an instantiation. Execution of this statement creates variable b of type bitbucket, production rules corresponding to the body of a bitbucket, and the specification body for the a1of2 variable b.d. Similarly, the statement a1of2 d creates an instance of type a1of2. ACT uses the standard dot-notation to access the names that are in port lists, since they are analogous to the fields of types/structures in conventional programming languages.

The final statement b.d=c connects the two a1of2 types b.d and c. The effect of connecting two types is to make the two instances aliases for each other. Therefore, the connect statement also specifies that the Booleans b.d.d0, b.d.d1, b.d.a are the same as the Booleans d.d0, d.d1, d.a respectively. Electrically, those Booleans correspond to the same circuit node.

ACT recognizes both C and C++ style comments, and they are treated as white space along with spaces, tabs, and new lines. A C-style comment begins with the characters /* and ends with */. Everything between the beginning and end of the comment is treated as whitespace. A C++ style comment begins with two forward slashes, and continues till the end of line.

Variables and expressions

Variables in ACT fall into two basic categories: parameters and circuit elements. A parameter is a variable that is used to parameterize a circuit element in some way and must be of type integer (pint for unsigned integer or pints for signed integer), real (preal), or Boolean (pbool). Circuit elements consist of Booleans (bool), integers (int), or channels (chan).

A variable identifier can be a sequence of digits, letters, and underscores. The following declarations are legal:

bitbucket b;
a1of2 x1;
a1of2 _2;
bool x5;

On the other hand, the following declaration is incorrect.

pbool 5;
---> Expecting bnf-item `instance_id', got `5'