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language:impl [2021/11/21 12:37]
rajit [Implementation]
language:impl [2023/04/09 18:06] (current)
rajit [Overrides]
Line 45: Line 45:
 detail below. detail below.
-==== Refinement ====+==== Aspects of the implementation relation ====
 When a user defined type implements another, there are several items When a user defined type implements another, there are several items
Line 59: Line 59:
 port list. As an illustration, consider: port list. As an illustration, consider:
-<code>+<code act>
 defproc type1 (bool a, b) { ... } defproc type1 (bool a, b) { ... }
 defproc type2 <: type1 (bool c) { ... } defproc type2 <: type1 (bool c) { ... }
Line 72: Line 72:
 the port list example above. the port list example above.
-<code>+<code act>
 template<pint N> template<pint N>
 defproc type1 (bool a, b) { ... } defproc type1 (bool a, b) { ... }
Line 82: Line 82:
 However, we can also define ''type2'' in the following manner: However, we can also define ''type2'' in the following manner:
-<code>+<code act>
 template<pint N> template<pint N>
 defproc type1 (bool a, b) { ... } defproc type1 (bool a, b) { ... }
Line 103: Line 103:
 as follows: as follows:
-<code>+<code act>
 type2<5> x; type2<5> x;
 // x.N, x.M are both accessible! // x.N, x.M are both accessible!
Line 113: Line 113:
 the instance the instance
-<code>+<code act>
 type2<5,7> x; type2<5,7> x;
 // x.M=5, x.N=7 // x.M=5, x.N=7
 </code> </code>
-would set ''N'' (the new template parameter) to ''5'', and +would set ''M'' (the new template parameter) to ''5'', and 
-''M'' (the parent, still definable parameter) to ''7''. Finally,+''N'' (the parent, still definable parameter) to ''7''. Finally,
 the following would be an error: the following would be an error:
-<code>+<code act>
 template<pint N> defproc type1 (bool a, b) { ... } template<pint N> defproc type1 (bool a, b) { ... }
 template<pint N> defproc type2 <: type1 (bool c) { ... } template<pint N> defproc type2 <: type1 (bool c) { ... }
 -[ERROR]-> Duplicate meta-parameter name in port list: `N' -[ERROR]-> Duplicate meta-parameter name in port list: `N'
            Conflict occurs due to parent type: type1            Conflict occurs due to parent type: type1
Line 134: Line 136:
 consider the following example:  consider the following example: 
-<code>+<code act>
 defproc buffer (e1of2? l, e1of2! r) defproc buffer (e1of2? l, e1of2! r)
 { {
Line 149: Line 151:
 define a specific implementation as follows: define a specific implementation as follows:
-<code>+<code act>
 defproc wchb <: buffer () defproc wchb <: buffer ()
 { {
Line 167: Line 169:
 specification for a buffer at the CHP level of abstraction would be: specification for a buffer at the CHP level of abstraction would be:
-<code>+<code act>
 defproc buffer (chan?(bool) l, chan!(bool) r) defproc buffer (chan?(bool) l, chan!(bool) r)
 { {
Line 191: Line 193:
 implementation of the original. The syntax for this is shown below: implementation of the original. The syntax for this is shown below:
-<code>+<code act>
 defproc wchb <: buffer() defproc wchb <: buffer()
 +{ e1of2 l, r; } // override block +{ e1of2 l, r; } // override block
Line 210: Line 212:
 only syntax permited is of the form within an override block is only syntax permited is of the form within an override block is
-<code>+<code act>
 +{ +{
     type list-of-ids;     type list-of-ids;
Line 243: Line 245:
 representation of the Boolean variable. representation of the Boolean variable.
 +=== Overriding conditional instances and templated types ===
 +An instance created in a type definition may be created only under certain circumstances. 
 +This can occur in templated types, where template parameters can affect the instances within the type.
 +The override block has the simple syntax shown above. However, to account for conditional instances,
 +the override block directives implicitly check if the instance exists before applying the override. (Note that
 +ACT does not permit different types for the same instance name under different conditions.)
 +When a type is being overridden by another, the new implementation may have additional template parameters.
 +The override syntax above requires the complete list of template parameters to be specified. Instead, we also
 +provide a single extension override syntax
-===== The ptype ===== +<code act> 
- ++{ 
-**XXX: this section not yet implemented** +    type<param1,param2,...,paramN>+ id  // single ID only 
- +    ... 
-The special ''ptype'' meta-parameter type is used to pass in types + }
-into a process definitionThese types can be used to build a process +
-using other processes as building blocksThe syntax for using a +
-''ptype'' is the following: +
- +
-<code> +
-ptype(foo) x;+
 </code> </code>
- +The ''+'' indicates that these are //extra// template parameter(s) that should be added to the existing ones that have already been specified for the instance ''id'' in the original type definition.
-This says that ''x'' is a variable that is a type, with the +
-constraint that ''x'' must satisfy the type signature specified by +
-''foo''. In other words, ''x'' is guaranteed to support all the +
-operations supported by type ''foo''.  +
- +
-''ptype'' parameters can also be used in templates. Consider the +
-following example: +
- +
-<code> +
-// A constructor for a datapath with W-bit ripple connections, and +
-// where each component has M inputs and one output +
- +
-// A skeleton +
-template<pint W, pint M> +
-defproc bitslice (e1of2? rin[W]; e1of2! rout[W];  +
-                  e1of2? in[M]; e1of2! out) { } +
- +
-// the constructor +
-template<pint N, pint M, pint W, ptype(bitslice<W,M>) t> +
-defproc build_dpath (e1of2? rin[W]; e1of2! rout[W];  +
-                     e1of2? in[M*N]; e1of2! out[N]) +
-   t x[N]; +
- +
-   // ripple connections +
-   (;i:N-1: x[i].rout=x[i+1].rin); +
-   x[0].rin=rin; +
-   x[N-1].rout=rout;    +
- +
-   // i/o connections +
-   (;i:N: x[i].in[i*M..(i+1)*M-1] = in[i*M..(i+1)*M-1]; +
-          x[i].out=out[i] ) +
- +
-// A one-bit adder +
-defproc onebit (e1of2? in[2], rin[1]; e1of2! out, rout[1]) { ... } +
- +
-defproc ripple_adder (e1of2? a[32], b[32], cin; e1of2! out[32], cout) +
-    build_dpath<32,2,1,onebit> dp; +
- +
-    (; i : 32 : dp.in[2*i] = a[i]; dp.in[2*i+1] = b[i]); +
-    dp.out = out; +
-    dp.rin[0] = cin; +
-    dp.rout[0] = cout +
-</code> +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +