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Common command-line options

ACT tools that use the core act library all accept the following command-line options. These options should come first, before any tool-specific options:

  • -Ttechname: changes the technology configuration files to techname. This specifies that the config files are in directory $ACT_HOME/conf/techname. If an absolute path is specified, then that path is used as the directory location for configuration files.
  • -Dname=value: defines the specified parameter (either a pbool or a pint) as a global parameter that can then by used by the ACT file
  • -cnf=file: reads in the specified file as an ACT configuration file (after the default files for the specified technology)
  • -Wname:on or -Wname:off: turn on/off warnings. name can be:
    • empty_select : warn if all the guards in a selection statement in ACT are false.
    • dup_pass : warn if an ACT tool registers a duplicate pass.
    • no_local_driver : warn if a local variable doesn't have a driver if detected during some of the ACT analysis passes.
    • double_expand : warn if an ACT tool attempts to expand an already expanded ACT object.
    • lang_subst : warn if an ACT tool uses a different language body within a process than the default choice.
    • all : turn on all warnings
  • -Vname: turn on verbose log messages in the ACT library. Currently name can be:
    • config : print out absolute paths for the config files read. This goes to stderr by default
  • -log=file: save log messages to the specified file
  • -lev=level: set log level flags
  • -opt=str: set option string for ACT getopt() API
  • “-ref=number: select refinement body, if it exists. Refinements can be nested, so the number specifies the number of refinement levels that should be expanded. The standard use case is -ref=1, where one level of refinement is selected. An individual project might want to include a standard set of ACT options (e.g. -Ttech) for all ACT tool invocations. The environment variable ACT_STD_CMDLINE'' can be set to the standard command-line options.