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config:layout [2022/07/01 11:13] rajit [Metal layers] |
config:layout [2024/12/28 18:35] (current) rajit [Diffusion] |
* ''oppspacing'': similar to ''spacing'', except this is the minimum spacing to the opposite type of diffusion. | * ''oppspacing'': similar to ''spacing'', except this is the minimum spacing to the opposite type of diffusion. |
* ''polyspacing'': spacing to polysilicon | * ''polyspacing'': spacing to polysilicon |
* ''notchspacing'': if the diffusion has a notch, the spacing between the vertical edge of the notch and the edge of the polysilicon | * ''notchspacing'': if the diffusion has a notch, the spacing between the vertical edge of the notch and the edge of the polysilicon. This should be at least the ''polyspacing'' (and can be more depending on the process technology). |
* ''overhang'': a range table that specifies the diffusion overhang depending on the width of the transistor (i.e. polysilicon) it overhangs. This is used for drawing the end of a transistor stack (sometimes called a channel-connected region). | * ''overhang'': a range table that specifies the diffusion overhang depending on the width of the transistor (i.e. polysilicon) it overhangs. This is used for drawing the end of a transistor stack (sometimes called a channel-connected region). |
* ''via'' is a section that contains: | * ''via'' is a section that contains: |