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install [2023/07/09 14:04]
rajit [Running large ACT files]
install [2024/07/11 10:36] (current)
rajit [Installing ACT]
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 The core library is available from [[https://github.com/asyncvlsi/act|Github]]. The core library is available from [[https://github.com/asyncvlsi/act|Github]].
-**Note:** This only installs the core circuit design tools. For those interested in the full flow, please use the [[https://github.com/asyncvlsi/actflow|actflow]] repo. The flow repository includes the core ACT repository, and includes many additional tools including ''actsim'', ''interact'', ''chp2prs'', and ''dflowmap'' (to name a few).+**Note:** This only installs the core circuit design tools. For those interested in the full flow, please use the [[https://github.com/asyncvlsi/actflow|actflow]]  [[install_actflow|repo]]. The flow repository includes the core ACT repository, and includes many additional tools including ''actsim'', ''interact'', ''chp2prs'', and ''dflowmap'' (to name a few).