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summer2024:dockersetup [2024/09/08 06:08]
rajit [Creating a container]
summer2024:dockersetup [2025/01/23 05:06] (current)
rajit [Creating a container]
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 Note that once the container is setup, you don't need to re-do those steps. You can simply pause the container to stop it, and resume it when you want to re-connect to it via ssh.  Note that once the container is setup, you don't need to re-do those steps. You can simply pause the container to stop it, and resume it when you want to re-connect to it via ssh. 
 +===== Updating the container with the latest tools =====
 +The container is not updated as frequently as the git repositories. To update the tools from within the container, use the following steps, running as ''root'':
 +$ cd /home/cad/actflow
 +$ git pull
 +$ git submodule update --init --recursive
 +$ export ACT_HOME=/usr/local/cad
 +$ ./build
 +The git repository for the [[:install_actflow|actflow]] repository is checked out in ''/home/cad/actflow''. The steps outlined above pull the latest code and build and install the tools into ''/usr/local/cad'' (the default location in the container).