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summer2024:start [2024/07/06 15:45] – [Design tools] rajitsummer2024:start [2024/07/15 20:32] (current) – [Week 3: Custom Circuits and Physical Design] rajit
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 ^ Time ^ Topic ^ Speaker(s) ^ Video ^ ^ Time ^ Topic ^ Speaker(s) ^ Video ^
-| 9:00 AM | Recap of models; handshake protocols | Rajit Manohar | |+| 9:00 AM | {{ :summer2024:10_recap_protocols.pdf |Recap of models; handshake protocols}} | Rajit Manohar | [[https://avlsi.csl.yale.edu/act/lib/videos/summer2024/handshake.mp4|mp4]] |
 | 9:50 AM | //break// ||| | 9:50 AM | //break// |||
-| 10:00 AM | Gates and gate-level simulation | Rajit Manohar | |+| 10:00 AM | {{ :summer2024:11_gates.pdf |Gates and gate-level simulation}} {{ :summer2024:gates.tgz |examples}} | Rajit Manohar | [[https://avlsi.csl.yale.edu/act/lib/videos/summer2024/gates.mp4|mp4]] |
 | 10:25 AM | //break// ||| | 10:25 AM | //break// |||
-| 10:30 AM | Micropipeline example and constraints | Rajit Manohar | | +| 10:30 AM | {{ :summer2024:12_upipe.pdf |Pipeline example}} {{ :summer2024:pipe.tgz |examples}} | Rajit Manohar | [[https://avlsi.csl.yale.edu/act/lib/videos/summer2024/pipeline_eg.mp4|mp4]]  
-| 11:25 AM | //break// ||| +| 11:00 AM | //break// ||| 
-| 11:30 AM | Syntax-directed translation to cells | Rajit Manohar | | +| 11:10 AM | {{ :summer2024:13_syntaxdirected.pdf |Syntax-directed translation to cells}} {{ :summer2024:sdt.tgz |examples}}| Rajit Manohar | [[https://avlsi.csl.yale.edu/act/lib/videos/summer2024/sdt.mp4|mp4]]  
-| 12:15 AM |Non-determinism and a simple clocked interface | Rajit Manohar | |+| 12:15 PM |{{ :summer2024:14_nondet.pdf |Non-determinism and a simple clocked interface}} | Rajit Manohar | [[https://avlsi.csl.yale.edu/act/lib/videos/summer2024/nondet.mp4|mp4]] |
 | 1:00 PM | //End of day// ||| | 1:00 PM | //End of day// |||
-===== Week 3: Physical design =====+==== Additional resources ==== 
 +   * [[http://www.ivorcatt.co.uk/DJKinniment-He-Who-Hesitates-is-Lost.pdf|Book on metastability]] by D. Kinniment 
 +   * [[https://csl.yale.edu/~rajit/ps/cyclone.pdf|Static timing analysis]] 
 +===== Week 3: Custom Circuits and Physical Design =====
 **Monday, July 15, 9:00AM to 1:00PM Eastern Time** **Monday, July 15, 9:00AM to 1:00PM Eastern Time**
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 ^ Time ^ Topic ^ Speaker ^ Video ^ ^ Time ^ Topic ^ Speaker ^ Video ^
-| 9:00 AM | Recap | Rajit Manohar |  +| 9:00 AM | {{ :summer2024:20_intro.pdf |Recap}} | Rajit Manohar | [[https://avlsi.csl.yale.edu/act/lib/videos/summer2024/20_intro.mp4|mp4]]   
-| 9:05 AM | Introduction to Petri Nets | Alex Yakovlev | | +| 9:05 AM | Petri Net Primer: {{ :summer2024:petri_intro.pdf |intro}}, {{ :summer2024:petri_nets_primer_-_async_summer_school_2024_-_yakovlev_1.0.pdf |primer}} | Alex Yakovlev |  [[https://avlsi.csl.yale.edu/act/lib/videos/summer2024/21_petri_intro.mp4|mp4]]  
-| 10:00 AM | Controller synthesis using Petri Nets | Alex Yakovlev | |+| 10:00 AM | {{ :summer2024:async_school_2024_-_petri_nets_-_yakovlev_1.0.pdf |Controller design using Petri Nets}} | Alex Yakovlev |  [[https://avlsi.csl.yale.edu/act/lib/videos/summer2024/22_petri_controller.mp4|mp4]]  |
 | 10:55 AM | //break// ||| | 10:55 AM | //break// |||
-| 11:00 AM | Custom circuit design |  Benjamin Hill |  |+| 11:00 AM | {{ :summer2024:customdesign2024.pdf |Custom circuit design}}  {{ :summer2024:custom_design.tgz |examples}} |  Benjamin Hill |   [[https://avlsi.csl.yale.edu/act/lib/videos/summer2024/23_custom_ckts.mp4|mp4]]  |
 | 11:55 AM | //break// ||| | 11:55 AM | //break// |||
-| 12:00 PM | Using commercial tools: standard cell flow | Ole Richter | | +| 12:00 PM | {{ :summer2024:async_lib.pdf |Using commercial tools: standard cell flow}} | Ole Richter |   [[https://avlsi.csl.yale.edu/act/lib/videos/summer2024/24_stdcell.mp4|mp4]] 
-| 12:30 PM | Integration with a mixed-signal flow | Filip Hormot | |+| 12:30 PM | {{ :summer2024:asynchronous_design_methodology_using_act_with_commercial_tools.pdf |Integration with a mixed-signal flow}} | Filip Hormot |  [[https://avlsi.csl.yale.edu/act/lib/videos/summer2024/20240715-Infineon-Async.mp4|mp4]]  |
 | 12:45 PM | Q&A | all | | | 12:45 PM | Q&A | all | |