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tools:actsim [2024/07/04 09:31]
tools:actsim [2024/08/15 14:05] (current)
rajit [Timing]
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 ==== Timing ==== ==== Timing ====
-<code>random [<min> <max>]</code>+<code>random [-u] [<min> <max>]</code>
 Set the random timing mode and optionally specify the default random timing bounds for all nodes. Set the random timing mode and optionally specify the default random timing bounds for all nodes.
 +If ''-u'' is used, then randomization is only applied to unspecified delays.
 <code>random_seed <seed></code> <code>random_seed <seed></code>
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 <code>random_choice on|off</code> <code>random_choice on|off</code>
-turn on/off random exclhi/lo firings +Turn on/off random exclhi/lo firings. ACT uses ''mk_exclhi'' (''mk_excllo'') [[language:langs:spec#exclusive_directives|directives]] to force signals to be exclusive-high (exclusive low).  
- +This is typically used to model arbiters. If the ''mk_exclhi'' (''mk_excllo'') directive is used between a set of signals, and more than one signal is driven high (low) at the same simulation time, then turning on random choice randomizes the selection of the signal that is allowed to go high (low).
 ==== Running Simulation ==== ==== Running Simulation ====
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     sim::source_sequence<32, // 32-bit data     sim::source_sequence<32, // 32-bit data
                     3, // three data values                     3, // three data values
-                    {3,5,2}  // the data values+                    {3,5,2} // the data values
                     false, // don't repeat the sequence of values                     false, // don't repeat the sequence of values
                     0, // source ID is zero for logging                     0, // source ID is zero for logging