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tools:layout:start [2024/06/16 12:08]
tools:layout:start [2024/08/07 06:49] (current)
rajit [Abutment and attributes]
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 A user-specified place and route boundary and bounding box can be specified using the ''sbox'' directive. This has the same syntax as ''bbox'', except it is used to override the bounding box computation within the ACT library. A user-specified place and route boundary and bounding box can be specified using the ''sbox'' directive. This has the same syntax as ''bbox'', except it is used to override the bounding box computation within the ACT library.
-==== Abutment and attributes ====+==== Abutment and alignment ====
 The layout library has support for manipulating layout. To aid in this, a ''.rect'' file can include information about how one cell can be abutted with another during procedural layout generation. A special layer name called ''$align'' is reserved for this purpose.  The layout library has support for manipulating layout. To aid in this, a ''.rect'' file can include information about how one cell can be abutted with another during procedural layout generation. A special layer name called ''$align'' is reserved for this purpose.