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tutorial:start [2019/05/21 06:49]
rajit [EENG 426 / CPSC 459: Silicon Compilation at Yale (Fall 2018)]
tutorial:start [2024/07/18 07:48] (current)
rajit [Tutorials]
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-====== ACT Tutorials ======+====== Tutorials ======
-   * [[basicprs|Helloworld]]: setting up a simple circuit in ACT and running a digital simulation  +The following archives some tutorial content about asynchronous designas well as using the ACT design automation tools.
-   * [[custom:|Custom flow]]: design flow for custom circuit design+
 +   * **Summer Schools**: we are organizing summer schools on asynchronous design on a regular basis. The school covers an introduction to asynchronous design, the different levels of abstraction, and a design flow that goes through placement and routing. The ACT tools are typically used for design automation. The schedule, slides, and videos of the entire summer school, including demonstration sessions, are provided below.
 +       * [[summer2024:|2024]]: The second summer school on asynchronous design.
 +       * [[summer2022:|2022]]: The first summer school on asynchronous design.
 +   * [[intro_example:|ACT by Example]]: a series of examples of building various types of circuits, introducing ACT constructs as we go.
 +====== Flow overview ======
 +   * [[custom:|Custom flow]]: design flow for custom circuit design
 +   * [[asic:|ASIC flow]]: designing an ASIC with a cell library and automated place and route.
 ====== Class slides ====== ====== Class slides ======