Research conducted by the asynchronous VLSI and architecture group has been
supported by a number of different agencies, organizations, and programs over the
years. We thank you for your support!
Government Sponsors
- Air Force Research Labs
- Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency* (IPTO, MTO, DSO)
- Department of Energy* (LLNL)
- Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity
- National Institutes for Health*
- National Science Foundation*
- Office of Naval Research
Industrial Sponsors and Collaborators
- IBM Research
- Intel
- Lockheed Martin
- Microsoft Research
- Qualcomm
- Samsung
- Semiconductor Research Corporation
Fellowship Programs.
Ph.D. students in the group have been supported by many external fellowship
programs, including:
- CONACyT Fellowship
- IBM Ph.D. Fellowship
- MURI Fellowship
- NSF Graduate Fellowship
- NDSEG Graduate Fellowship
* = current